Subscribe Users to Plans
When a user signs up to one of your plans, you’re going to want to subscribe them to the plans in Kana in order to register what plans and features they have access to.
This guide assumes that you have setup the client as we have in the Setup instructions, and have initialized this to the client
Grab details on the subscription
You will need to ensure you have details on both:
The user who has subscribed to the plan in question
The plan which the user is being subscribed to
Namely, you will need to have an identifier which maps to the id
in Kana for both Objects.
If neither the user nor plan exist yet in Kana, then you should create these first and then fetch/store the id
of both:
We will work on the assumption that you have pulled the following user and have all the following details to hand:
current_user = {
"id": 123456,
"kana_id": "123456",
"name": "Zach Read",
"email": ""
plan = {
"name": "Extra 500 API Calls",
"identifier": "extra-500-api-calls"
Fetch the id of the plan
You may have noticed that there’s no id
for the plan
in the details we have provided. We’re therefore going to need to fetch the id
of the plan the user is subscribing to from Kana.
Send a plans query
We’ll need to first fetch all your plans from within Kana via theplans query operation. We’ll define the query string for the request to pull back the name and id of each plan, and then send the request to Kana:
plans_query = "query fetchPlans {
plans {
plans_response = client.execute(query: plans_query)
Filter for the correct plan
We now have a returned list of all the plans within the workspace, which will look a bit like so:
"data": {
"plans": [
"name": "Extra 500 API Calls",
"id": "21"
"name": "Base Plan",
"id": "20"
However, we only want to subscribe the user to the plan which they have subscribed to. We have the name of the plan to hand (as per the earlier defined plans
hash) so we can filter by this when when iterating over the returned plans.
We also need to ensure that the id
of the plan is captured in an array as an integer. This is what the subscribe mutation requires.
The following should do the trick:
plan_ids = plans_response['data']['plans'].filter_map do |p|
p['id'].to_i if p['name'] == plan[:name]
What if I want to select more than one plan to subscribe a user to?
This is possible - you will need to filter over the plans so that more than one id
is inserted into the given array.
Send the request to subscribe the user
Both the id
of the user and the id
of the plan are now accessible. We’re ready to send the request to subscribe the user to the plan.
We do this through the subscribe mutation. This requires two arguments:
What format should the userId be in?
We expect the userId
argument to be a String - as this matches the id
on the User object. If any other field type is used, an error will occur telling you we can’t accept any field type except String.
We have the identifier for the user we defined earlier, and the id
of the plan now in an array as fetched from the previous step.
We’ll define these as variables to send alongside the query:
sub_variables = {
"userId": current_user[:kana_id],
"planIds": plan_ids
Next, we have to define the query string for the mutation operation which will also specify the details from the subscription object which we want to return.
In our case, we’ll return:
of the plan (which helps in confirming it’s correct) -
If the plan is an add-on through the
boolean -
associated to the plans - with theirname
This helps us in both confirming that the plan associated to the user is the correct one, and gives us details on the different features which a user has access and allowances of now they are subscribed to the plan.
sub_query = "mutation subscribeUserToPlan($planIds: [Int!]!, $userId: String!) {
subscribe(planIds: $planIds, userId: $userId) {
plan {
features {
We can now send the request to Kana in order to subscribe the user to the plan:
sub_response \= client.execute(query: sub_query, variables: sub_variables)
Congratulations 🎉 You’ve now successfully subscribed a user to a plan.
Feel free to use the response you get back to store any returned fields of use to your records, log the call, or raise any errors if the call is not successful.
Next Steps
You’re going to want to tell us when a user has used a particular feature so that we can calculate how much of the feature they have consumed and what they have left.
Likewise, when that user hits their limit of a particular feature, or if they haven’t subscribed to a plan with that given feature at all, you’re going to need to identify their entitlement to that feature in order to block off access and/or inform them of what they have left.